What's the most important responsibility of parents?
To raise healthy children who are capable of making their own decisions and living their own life.
And good parents realize that 'making their own decisions' means just that: their children will make decisions that are different from what the parents would have done themselves.
This should be something for parents to be proud of: their child can handle himself in life.
Parents who believe the only good decisions are the ones they would make, are narrow minded and/or arrogant.
Parents who don't allow their child to make their own decisions or try to manipulate the child to alter his decision are controlling.
How does this translate to JW?
First they spend years 'teaching their child to become 'spiritually strong', listen to his conscience, love and stand for truth and righteousness, and prepare him to make a decision with big consequences: commit to God and religion.
Then when the child actually uses all those tools, but in a way the parents don't like - choose to leave JW instead of joining, refuse to spread falsehood in fs, refuse to go to meetings where people are misled - the parents are shocked and try to force the child to back into their perception of the world.
Not. Healthy.
Not. Ok.
It's the parents who are (likely unknowingly) selfish. The student has surpassed it's teachers.